Re: Groom F-16 Location

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Message posted by noskcaJ (Member since 09/21/2022) on September 12, 2024 at 9:01:33 PST:

Well, I dont really know. My original thought was this: Smythers previously revealed "all 3 teams had demonstrators" (NGAD), so maybe those 3 hangars housed each teams F-A/XX demonstrators. I dont think it would be NGAD as its a Navy base and NGAD is for the air force. Another user shared something about POTUS going to Vandenberg and it being linked to "NAWS...", could have something to do with that.

That runway used to be used for drones I believe, but while they were building those hangars they also connected that area to the main runway so whatever is over there is using the main runway.

Whatever is in there doesnt have a huge wingspan, slightly bigger than an F-18, and maybe sensitive enough to keep secluded from the rest of the base. So that brings me back to the beginning: I dont really know.

In Reply to: Re: Groom F-16 Location posted by Dark side on September 12, 2024 at 4:37:05 PST:


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