POTUS to Vandenberg

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Message posted by noskcaJ (Member since 09/21/2022) on September 02, 2024 at 16:35:15 PST:

I am making another thread about the previously discussed POTUS trip to Vandenberg AFB.

If I read and understood correctly:
- POTUS was going to Vandenberg during a trip to Santa Barbra
- The purpose of the visit was to view something (an aircraft?)
- The 'something' (aircraft?) is for the NRO
- Has a connection to "NAWS..." (China Lake?)

If POTUS was going to view something, it must be new. But why Vandenberg and not Palmdale or somewhere else? I saw the runway get mentioned... did it fly? I also saw mentions of a needed long runway for a fastmover, and launching straight over the ocean would indicate sight sensitivity.

If I misread or misunderstood please correct me, and if anyone has anything else to share please do so (of course without compromising anything or saying more than you should).

Side question: why doesn't the navy have a "black project carrier" or a classified carrier team of sorts that flies new technology straight from the ocean? Would that not be the best location from prying eyes??


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