Re: Unknown aircraft landing at night - TTR April 16, 2024 01:07AM

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Message posted by KeithW (Member since 10/18/2000) on July 07, 2024 at 7:43:43 PST:

As I've found small sensors don't work needs to be full frame 50mp or more,optics of the highest quality.Serious tripod too.Big bag of rocks or sand.
In the desert everything is against you,so much distortion.Might look clear to the human eye until you start blowing stuff up,then reality kicks in.
Winter might be best,less heat distortion,a rain shower to lay the dust,even then you need loads of luck to get hi res images.Don't let this put any of you off,more pics the better,you never know what you might catch.
In 1/2 hr some quick shots not much chance unless very lucky.Camp out for days if you can stick it.

In Reply to: Re: Unknown aircraft landing at night - TTR April 16, 2024 01:07AM posted by Desert Watchdog on July 05, 2024 at 19:23:23 PST:


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