RQ-180 on Google Earth ?

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Message posted by HoneyBadger (Member since 06/01/2024) on June 01, 2024 at 14:59:05 PST:

Hey! I'm new on this site and I find it very interesting, so I thought that it could be interesting to report what I found myself on Google Earth :)
It's located in Air Force Plant 42, in a huge hangar at the North of the installation, we can see the shape of the front of an aircraft by using 3d view in the hangar.
The shape looks like the front of RQ-180, what do you guys think about it?
Here's the location (use Google Earth then click on 3d and rotate in order to see the front of the hangar with the aircraft in it) : 34°38'24"N 118°04'55"W


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