Message posted by noskcaJ (Member since 09/21/2022) on May 10, 2024 at 15:43:42 PST:
Thanks for sharing! What leads me to think this is an aircraft of sorts is it looks like it has landing gear, and that the triangle formation of the wheels is facing down the apron (away from us). But other than that, I have no idea what this is! If it is an aircraft... to my eyes what would be the fuselage looks similar in shape to Tacit Blue if it was turned away from us. This one plays tricks with my mind lol I look at it one time and it looks like an F117, look at it again and it doesnt, look at it again and it doesnt look like an aircraft at all... Who knows!
In Reply to: Mystery aircraft on TTR apron? Second attempt, newly AI enchanced pics posted by n01_b4_flash on May 10, 2024 at 15:16:57 PST: