Re: OT: Fun Topic for discussion

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Message posted by The Bothan Spy (Member since 04/16/2002) on May 05, 2024 at 20:03:21 PST:

That is exactly why I would choose Hanger 18. I would expect to find a lot of history in there.

As for “Dyson’s Dock” it may be a myth that it was the name of a display of the Tacit Blue aircraft. Which may have been in hanger 8, because that’s where Tacit Blue was housed. Or in Hanger 18, because it is centrally located on the base; and probably is used as a multi purpose building. Including having displays of historical aircraft for VIP’s. A Tacit Blue display named specifically with the name “Dyson’s Dock” may never have existed at all.

The Bothan Spy

In Reply to: Re: OT: Fun Topic for discussion posted by Casper on May 05, 2024 at 19:29:59 PST:


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