Re: Two small dishes added to the Rachel phone building

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Message posted by z.z.zzyzx (Member since 11/16/2021) on April 14, 2024 at 10:19:54 PST:

There's got to be a lot of data that isn't that sensitive passing through the base. The tower controllers, Dreamland Approach, and any other air traffic control facilities on the ranges have to be able to exchange data with the FAA. All those ATC radar sites in that part of the world have to go somewhere. At least some of them end up at Los Angeles Center in Palmdale, and probably Albuquerque Center as well. Some outside data has to end up in the control tower at Groom.

Logistics such as orders for food, fuel, toilet paper, and all the other stuff necessary for the more mundane details of operating a huge facility need communications infrastructure. I seriously doubt that's sent out on the same networks the interesting stuff is.

In Reply to: Re: Two small dishes added to the Rachel phone building posted by WheresJanet on April 12, 2024 at 11:04:45 PST:


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