Re: Semi-OT: R-2508 ACTS?

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Message posted by Ron (Member since 07/25/2009) on March 16, 2024 at 21:56:21 PST:

Back when I attended RF in the late 90s the range system could only process a limited number, 50 I think, of pods so "low activity" aircraft like our B-52s either didn't carry them or didn't/couldn't be, displayed. Presumably that limitation has been overcome. The Buffs typically were at the tail of the strike packages so they weren't passed by fast movers which meant Blue air was usually out of gas and headed home when they reached the target area. Listening to Red Air pounce with glee was cruel. I did see an awesome video of a Hornet rolling in a BUFF at really low level. Obviously alerted, a seemingly endless stream of flares was released. The Hornet driver yelling something like "holy sh!t" but couldn't get a lock. A blue.air straggler was able to saddle up on the Hornet and rescue ouf BUFF :)

In Reply to: Re: Semi-OT: R-2508 ACTS? posted by NotTelling on March 16, 2024 at 21:29:35 PST:


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