Re: Pentagon's plan for AI piloted ghost fighter jets...

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Message posted by Casper (Member since 01/24/2011) on March 12, 2024 at 16:11:00 PST:

Sounds like NotTelling may have some inside information that they are not cleared to discuss publically, but from what's open source, here's my thoughts:

Creech was hit by a cyber attack in 2011. I first heard it was Stuxnet (the virus the US intelligence apparatus turned against the Iranian nuclear reactors) turned back against the US. But later reports said it was only a keylogger that got onto the Creech systems because some poor airman plugged in an unverified USB drive.

Creech is the likely home for the operational RQ-170s.

The RQ-170 lost in Iran went down in December of 2011. the same year.

So, yes, maybe it was our own doing ... that doing being letting a virus onto the command and control system.

Or maybe I'm entirely off base, but wild speculation is what we're here for, right?

In Reply to: Re: Pentagon's plan for AI piloted ghost fighter jets... posted by noskcaJ on March 12, 2024 at 15:45:57 PST:


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