Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on January 06, 2024 at 17:21:11 PST:
The primary Red Flag missions are Monday-Friday. There may be some flying on Saturdays. Units that don't get range time during the week because of RF or RF pilots making up for cancelled/missed sorties. The idea behind Red Flag is this: It was determined that in real combat most pilots are lost during their first ten missions. Red Flag simulates these ten missions in a very realistic threat environment. This has proven to significantly increase the chances of survival for our pilots in potential real aerial combat. 2 weeks, 5 days a week, 2 sorties a day equals two groups of pilots flying 10 missions each. Each team flies 5 daytime and 5 night missions.
In Reply to: Re: Red flag dates posted by Ken on January 06, 2024 at 16:23:24 PST: