Re: B-21 musings with hi-res snippets from the interwebz

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Message posted by Smythers (Member since 04/27/2023) on November 12, 2023 at 12:07:16 PST:

The shit storm I got for saying that the YF's had flown from all three contractors for NGAD was immense.

I got flak left and right for it for ages. People called me out saying that they never could have produced the demonstrators...

And well there you have it - all three have NGAD demonstrators and all three have Naval variants for their fly-off too.

Then the shit storm about the exquisite UCAV at Groom and TTR. Boo hoo'd from the rafters. Now each stable will slowly reveal each of their offerings for the high end escort missions.

Then the shit storm and all the boo hoo about a high mach airframe and it was flying and it is ready.

Now? Lockheed not only publicaly stated they had delivered them, but are getting them ready to be revealed as part of the family of systems.

Then there is the three engines effort cruising about. I even gave a couple of people here the photograph taken from public land so they could know what to look for.

Then there was Fairford and the new hangers - people argued over it all, but I gently steered people to the paperwork and the real reasons why climate controlled hangers were essential - not for the airframes, but for the PAYLOADS.

So you can call me out all you like - But from lasers, to propulsion to demonstrators and articles soon to come to the white world - I've happily kept DLR well ahead of the curve and then some.

And now I'm done.

In Reply to: Re: B-21 musings with hi-res snippets from the interwebz posted by highandthemighty on November 12, 2023 at 10:05:21 PST:


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