Message posted by noskcaJ (Member since 09/21/2022) on September 27, 2023 at 22:13:14 PST:
Here's what I got: It popped up for about a minute or two, disappeared and did not come back again, not even for landing. Possible it could be a glitch but im not sure. The drive article was posted Sept 5th 2021 and mentioned the photo was from Sept 2nd, while the photographer was 'trying to get a photo of the sunrise'... which on that day was was at 21:44 zulu time, and the ADS-B of that tanker was 22:29 zulu (probably did some loops waiting, that seems fast for the lil RQ to travel). The reg for the tanker is 63-8880 which is a Hickam tanker which makes sense location wise... except I would assume that high profile aircraft are refuelled by more special squadrons and that one seems pretty ordinary. So assuming I have the date and time for the photo of the RQ correct I think thats a good guess. But let me know otherwise
In Reply to: Re: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180 posted by Q-nimbus on September 27, 2023 at 21:40:06 PST: