Re: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180

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Message posted by Jason S (Member since 07/02/2016) on September 22, 2023 at 7:34:57 PST:

I'm not convinced that's a fuel tank next to the hangar. While there are certainly facilities out there with fuel tanks next to them, another common and visually similar occurrence is a standby water tank to support a fire suppression system in the hangar. If they had the money to put a new roof on it, they probably had the money to upgrade the fire system on the inside.

The F-22 doesn't run on special fuel, and I don't think the flight envelope of the RQ180 is that much different that it would require a special fuel.

In Reply to: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180 posted by Skeet on September 21, 2023 at 14:51:06 PST:


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