Re: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180

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Message posted by Skeet (Member since 06/29/2022) on September 22, 2023 at 6:55:44 PST:

Found this recent report to Congress:

"Guam: Defense Infrastructure and Readiness - August 3, 2023
Northwest Field is currently used for training, but the Air Force has plans to develop it to provide more capacity for high-volume operations to include fighter, tanker, and cargo aircraft.
Invest in the Northwest Airfield adjacent to Andersen Air Force base to support additional aviation operations.

I can't seem to find any specific construction info on the NW field hangars but I did find plenty for various larger hangars at Andersen AFB.

This hanger is located here: 13°34'36.40"N, 144°55'42.37"E

"The hangar and related site improvements provide a reliable shelter and an air-conditioned environment for B-2 and B-52 aircraft maintenance and support for “hard broke” B-1B, B-2, B-52, KC-135, F-22 aircrafts that can not be flown off the island prior to a typhoon."

I believe this hangar is the one you can see in the background of the Guam RQ-170 photo above. There is also a sat image dated 11/2015 with a Globe Hawk just outside the east end of hangar.

As the hangar is climate controlled and can house B-2s, it could certainly be another home for the RQ-180.

In Reply to: Re: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180 posted by quellish on September 21, 2023 at 20:21:17 PST:


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