Re: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180

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Message posted by Q-nimbus (Member since 08/20/2020) on September 22, 2023 at 2:16:55 PST:

Excellent post, thank you very much.

However, I would like to point out that two years ago I was the first one to point out that Northwest base was a very likely lair for the RQ-180. See the link ;-).

Secondly, I can’t see how old the pictures are, but Umm al Melh base in southern Saudi Arabia (19°06'56"N 50°07'29"E) could be a very likely FOB for the RQ-180 - that is, if they’ve build a new hangar there. I can’t see how old the photo’s are.

I went over most of the other USAF bases in the Middle East but couldn’t find any obvious FOB’s for the RQ-180.

However, the south eastern hangar at Akrotin in Cyprus could be a good candidate; especially because of the fact that they’ve placed shipping containers on the northern side seems to suggest there’s something sight sensitive. It’s not ideal, though, so perhaps not.

Lastly, we don’t know how many RQ-180’s have been built, but the Beale and Guam hangars can only house 3-4 RQ-180’s. That seems like a very low number, so there might still be some RQ-180’s at Edwards Afb South Base as has been rumoured for many years.

Probably also a test article at Groom Lake as per the photo of Joerg a while back.

I once read a number of 7 RQ-180’s built in total, and it blows my mind that they can keep that amount of huge aircraft hidden for so long.

Anyway, let’s keep on searching for more evidence and FOB’s!

Attached link: http://Post in thread 'Northrop Grumman "RQ-180"'

In Reply to: Beale, Guam and the RQ-180 posted by Skeet on September 21, 2023 at 14:51:06 PST:


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