Re: U-2 retirement

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Message posted by Smythers (Member since 04/27/2023) on August 12, 2023 at 10:30:34 PST:

I respect your work, so I will answer with a civil tone because you, sir, should know full and well how certain aspects of image intelligence are used in diplomatic circles.

"We have these images. You are doing A, B, and C, and we are watching." (We have done this since aerial intelligence was developed)

Diplomat goes to SCIF, reports back. Defense staffers track all satellite overheads and other airframes. Nothing. But the pictures do not lie.

That is why China is pissed. All the wonderful super-high resolution images to somewhat curb their appetite for expansion. And there is not one thing they can do about it.

It is also why exotic airframes are flown about in daylight. Not to show people on the ground, but to send a message. Carter ATB, F-117, B-21.

Messages to people who watch.

In Reply to: Re: U-2 retirement posted by Pinyon72 on August 12, 2023 at 1:04:06 PST:


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