Re: Mystery January aircraft

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Message posted by noskcaJ (Member since 09/21/2022) on May 23, 2023 at 8:56:24 PST:

The satellite photo still puzzles me. If there's no roof or covering to the hangar then why is there a shadow? And why does the plane not have a shadow? I get the plane isn't very tall but from the angle of the sun I think we should see at least something. Not sure where it was mentioned, might have been here, that there is actually a covering on the hangar with a NGAD style plane on the top of it, and that to me seems more believable than Area 51 of all places leaving a classified plane outside. Just my own rant/thoughts

In Reply to: Mystery January aircraft posted by Dark side on May 23, 2023 at 5:06:32 PST:


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