Re: NGAD Sighting by Steve Douglass?

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Message posted by Q-nimbus (Member since 08/20/2020) on May 14, 2023 at 5:33:36 PST:

Thank you Steve, I really appreciate it. If I may be so bold as to do an educated guess, from your description it seems to be a operational P-ISR platform that was retired, and a test program. Would the last be the RQ-180? And for the operational program, do you know the name of the program?

It would solve a massive mysterie for me as I saw a mysterious flying wing over eastern Iran in 2012 way higher than us. It couldn’t have been the RQ-180, and it most probably wasn’t an RQ-170 as it was flying at at least 45000’ - but probably higher, but it’s difficult to judge altitudes.

It sure looked a lot like a RQ170 or RQ180 though, but so do all other flying wings at a distance just before sunrise.

In Reply to: Re: NGAD Sighting by Steve Douglass? posted by Steve Alfred Douglass on May 11, 2023 at 15:02:13 PST:


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