Re: Recall those pilot eyewitness accounts of 'stars' swooping about the skies?

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Message posted by Tom B. Raider (Member since 03/26/2002) on April 25, 2023 at 12:57:17 PST:

Sorry, but I really can't see much in those pics - just a few white dots and a few swirly lines. Maybe it's my old eyes...

Unless someone changed the laws of physics recently and failed to notify me about it, objects cannot manoever like that in outer space, which officially starts at 100km up.

And I'm still having a hard time imagining what the (miltiary) use of those swoopimg stars would be - apart from looking pretty in the night sky.

In Reply to: Re: Recall those pilot eyewitness accounts of 'stars' swooping about the skies? posted by Smythers on April 24, 2023 at 16:08:47 PST:


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