Re: Janet runway at KLAS

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Message posted by LDP (Member since 11/16/2007) on April 07, 2023 at 11:34:37 PST:

As a former air traffic controller, we would routinely try to provide the runway closest to the parking area for fuel/time savings and to avoid potential runway crossing incursions. For Example, at LAX, Rwy 25L (southside) would be ideal AAL and UAL while Rwy 24R (northside) would be ideal for SWA, respective of their parking areas. It would make sense to provide Rwy 1L/19R to Janet, wind/weather and traffic conditions permitting.

By the way, I believe the Janets landing LAS use the JAYSN Arrival (see link)

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In Reply to: Janet runway at KLAS posted by Ross Cogswell on April 07, 2023 at 9:05:18 PST:


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