Re: TR-3 claims of the past(present)?

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Message posted by Vahe Demirjian (Member since 04/28/2022) on February 18, 2023 at 20:24:22 PST:

TR-3 was a misinterpretation by William Scott (who wrote reports regarding the supposed Black Manta) of Tier III, an ambitious USAF program for a stealthy and large high-altitude UAV that evolved from the CIA's canceled Quartz program, and which was eventually split into the Tier II+ and Tier III- Minus programs that led to the RQ-4 and RQ-3 respectively. The book "Weapons of the 21st Century" by Bill Yenne (published in 1993) even claimed on page 65 that the supposed TR-3 was first tested by Northrop in 1981 based on the Tactical High Altitude Penetrator concept, but without supporting evidence.

Attached link: Six blind men in a zoo

In Reply to: Re: TR-3 claims of the past(present)? posted by Ty on January 19, 2023 at 7:44:02 PST:


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