Re: Balloon Shootdown Radio Calls

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Message posted by Fairtrade Skunk (Member since 11/11/2010) on February 11, 2023 at 8:01:30 PST:

I actually saw the balloon as I was walking into work at the Coastal Grand Mall. I wasn't outside when it was shot down but you could definitely feel it inside the mall!

I was listening to LiveATC and the radio chatter on the civilian side was filled with remarks about "enjoying the show." That said, the highlight of that day was after the balloon was shot down when someone came over the radio to announce "pop goes the weasel" in a sing-song voice XD

In Reply to: Re: Balloon Shootdown Radio Calls posted by The Bothan Spy on February 05, 2023 at 10:47:45 PST:


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