Message posted by Smythers (Member since 01/10/2010) on February 03, 2023 at 18:23:26 PST:
FOBS Fractional Orbital Bombardment System What does a FOBS require for terminal guidance in a highly contested, EW denied anti-access area? LiDAR mapping - Yup, LiDAR is preferred for terminal guidance as it cannot be jammed without knowing a whole slew of factors, making it nigh on impossible to countermeasure effectively. However, what have they not managed to get into orbit? LiDAR enabled satellite constellations. What then do the Chinese not have? Inch accurate LiDAR maps of the US of A. What does that staring payload look like? A LiDAR. And if my suspicions are correct? It just took a really nice, hi-res (inch accurate) set of spot maps of a very sensitive area, and if that second balloon is a communications relay? They just got one hell of a scoop. Food for thought