Re: OT: Tucker Carlson show next Wednesday

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Message posted by Joe (Member since 01/03/2006) on January 16, 2023 at 22:25:25 PST:


I won't be able to watch live, so if there is a post-show link that his producers will let you publish/promote here, that would be helpful to me (and others, I'm sure).

There are Representatives in the US House who see themselves as public servants to the entire nation. Those who aren't simply "working to bring the bacon home" to their districts. I hope they see you as deserving and worthy of their help.

Also, if the thugs who broke down your doors and took your property (especially the obvious parts that have ZERO to do with any investigation (the lens still really bothers me) - if they did not also take your mirrors, as far as I'm concerned so long as that guy in the mirror is grateful to you for your choices in life, maybe even proud of you - THAT is all that matters.

Excited to see what good you can create for all of us from this incident. Give Tucker's audience the FULL BLAST wake up call we all need.

Cheering from the mountains of Utah . . .


In Reply to: Re: OT: Tucker Carlson show next Wednesday posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on January 14, 2023 at 12:59:11 PST:


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