Re: OT (sort of): Counter-Drone Legislation Needs a Major Overhaul

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Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on December 18, 2022 at 15:12:37 PST:

It is possible that the raid was politically motivated. Pushed by a person or entity with an interest in proving that drones are a threat and thereby furthering the agenda to restrict the use of consumer drones as described in the article.

A few years ago I went in front of the Lincoln County Commissioners to fight the expansion of restricted airspace around Area 51 for drones. The Commissioners agreed with my reasoning that the base has enough of a buffer zone and the Air Force request to expand the restricted airspace was denied. I can't help but wonder if this is their way of trying again.

That is as good an explanation as any for a raid that was executed with a degree of brutality and destruction that you might otherwise expect in a drug raid or against a terrorist organization.

Special agent Beavis (not his real name, but close enough!) repeatedly stated: "You flew your drone in the restricted area, didn't you?!" To which I repeatedly (and truthfully) stated that I never have and never will. Unless the logs of my drone are tampered with they will prove that. Sadly I cannot say that my level of trust in the methods these people are using is very high at the moment.

In Reply to: Re: OT (sort of): Counter-Drone Legislation Needs a Major Overhaul posted by Mark on December 18, 2022 at 14:44:58 PST:


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