Re: More proof of manipulation RE: "B-21" images

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Message posted by jklier (Member since 07/22/2001) on December 09, 2022 at 6:40:05 PST:

Apollo 15-17 carried rovers to the moon. I remember reading that the astronauts had difficulties driving when the sun was directly behind them. This was for two reasons. First is that all of the shadows are behind the objects in front of them making craters and boulders difficult to see. Second was a phenomenon known as coherent backscatter that existed with the lunar soil. This causes light that hits the soil to mostly bounce around in the particles and then return in the general direction that it came from, like a retroreflector. This is why a full moon appears so bright to us.

The opposite effect exists as well. That would be incoherent backscatter. This would be a surface that reflects light/energy AWAY from the source. There are many papers on this effect if anyone wants to look it up. Perhaps the surface of the B-21 behaves in this manner.

In Reply to: Re: More proof of manipulation RE: "B-21" images posted by Zorro on December 08, 2022 at 18:13:44 PST:


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