NTTR ops expanding into R-2508?

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Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on October 05, 2022 at 21:25:26 PST:

A source in central CA recorded the attached clip yesterday. The mission was definitely in the R-2508 airspace (see below) but conducted by NTTR controllers Ramrod, Blond Girl and Breach. This ties in with reports of a closer integration of the various test ranges in the southwest.

I heard the following callsigns:

Sabre 41 - Chase/photo aircraft or avionics test bed, often N654BA or N661BA

Ratt 55 - USAF NT-43A (#73-1155), airborne IR and radar test bed, based at Area 51

Blond Girl - R-4807A Airspace Controller, based at TTR

Ramrod - NTTR Master Mission Controller, based at TTR

Breach - Airborne Mission Controller (TTR/ECR?)

Rearm? 72 - (unknown, never heard in the NTTR)

Knight 21 - F-117 from TTR (#84-0828; only heard once, may have been unrelated to this mission)

Ratt 55 was tracking in the Saline and Owens MOA:

Attached link: Oct 4, 2022 mission in R-2508 featuring some NTTR controllers


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