Re: Mystery Aircraft east of Colorado Springs

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Message posted by Ghoul (Member since 08/09/2020) on September 23, 2022 at 10:23:01 PST:

Okay let's sum up :

- Every details of the videos show it is a B2 (despite the quality), everything match (planeform, sweep angle, trailing edge, contrails etc...). Zero details raise doubts about it.
-It flies on an area where you would expect B2 to be (between Whiteman and the western range) on their way home to Whiteman after a night of training.

Let's not forget about the law of parsimony. There is just zero reasons to think it is something other than B2 based on what we have. If there wasn't an articleon a mainstream media from people who can't recognise aircraft, we would have just all said "oh cool a flight of B2".

In Reply to: Mystery Aircraft east of Colorado Springs posted by AsleepModeOn on September 22, 2022 at 12:20:55 PST:


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