Re: YF-24 myth, the supposed classified aircraft that never was

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Message posted by Vahe Demirjian (Member since 04/28/2022) on September 05, 2022 at 9:11:17 PST:

Since Lanni was active at Edwards AFB beginning in 1992, it would be foolish to rule out the possibility that the classified aircraft he flew in late 1993 was the same type of aircraft involved in the September 1994 Boscombe Down incident, and thus a technology demonstrator for a USAF stealthy supersonic aircraft that could be used for either reconnaissance or the fighter-bomber role, in which case whatever classified aircraft was designated YF-24 could have been used for testing technologies for a potential stealthy F-15E replacement.

In any case, it's good to clarify that YF-24 in all probability was unlikely to have anything to do with a prototype fighter (F-22 and F-23 were allocated in the late 1980s), given that YF-117D and YF-118G were cover designations for the Tacit Blue and Bird of Prey despite those planes being tech demonstrators.

In Reply to: Re: YF-24 myth, the supposed classified aircraft that never was posted by Peter Merlin on September 03, 2022 at 19:37:42 PST:


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