Re: Test Flight Up

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Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on August 23, 2022 at 11:27:59 PST:

Ramrod is the controller for missions in the Dreamland airspace. I hear them conduct missions at least twice a week. However, contrary to what the linked post says only Red Flag and other exercises use color frequencies. Dreamland missions use presets. For most missions there is a UHF prime and backup frequency. Most of them are listed in yellow in our scanner frequencies list. There may also be a VHF frequency, referred to as "victor" (the phonetic for "V").

Mission aircraft from Groom typically launch on the mission freq. Mission aircraft from outside the ranges check in with Dreamland on 261.1 and then are handed off to the mission's UHF prime "Contact mission on xxx.x".

The "BAT xx" callsign is indeed used by tankers from the IA ANG. I see that "BAT 81" (#62-3566) flew around the north side of the NTTR on Saturday but it does not look like they entered the ranges.

The Ops freq for the 422 TES of Nellis is also referred to as "BAT OPS", but I have never heard their aircraft using the "BAT" callsign. Their frequencies are also listed in our scanner frequencies list.

In Reply to: Test Flight Up posted by Night Stalker on August 22, 2022 at 23:22:53 PST:


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