Re: Senior Cejay / Aurora

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Message posted by Pod (Member since 04/14/2021) on August 19, 2022 at 9:35:39 PST:

Back in the 1997-1998 timeframe I was sent on a business trip to California and was in a hotel with one of those beds where comfortable sleep just wasn't realistically possible. At sometime after 5:30 in the morning I gave up on sleep and suddenly heard a very loud and strange aircraft pass overhead that was unlike anything I'd ever heard before or since. I wish I could describe the sound but it sounded like a sonic boom report followed by the sound of "George Jetson's car". By the time I got to a window it was long gone and I didn't really have a great window view of the sky and it was an overcast morning anyway. I've always wondered about it but there were so many reports of things flying around and given that I saw something else in 1989 that was something that still hasn't been revealed I suspect we've got "toys" in the toybox they haven't elected to use or maybe they got tired of them.

In Reply to: Re: Senior Cejay / Aurora posted by Skeet on August 19, 2022 at 7:44:39 PST:


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