Re: OT: Need your help identifying these thugs

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Message posted by Shea Barbacci (Member since 09/23/2020) on April 27, 2022 at 1:36:48 PST:

I was just checking some google results about the one novel I've got out, and I just saw this image pop up in the results. As amusing as it is that someone is casting a photo of me in some shadowed light like this, I haven't seen you in awhile Jorge, and hope you're well. I imagine by now you've figured out I'm not associated with these guys or from California, but alas this remains. I understand your reserves, but we're neighbors, and I'd like to break the ice so this is not the only mark of our acquaintanceship, as I imagine we probably have far more attributes that unite us than that which divides us, and when neighbors are in short supply in these parts, perhaps the good ones are worth taking the time to actually getting to know. I hope one day we may sit around the fire and shoot the breeze. Thanks, and I hope you're well.

In Reply to: Re: OT: Need your help identifying these thugs posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on November 03, 2020 at 12:51:20 PST:


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