Message posted by Pod (Member since 04/14/2021) on April 10, 2022 at 20:11:31 PST:
Holy cats - walking dressed in black in the middle of the night by the fence perimeter with his dog? He's lucky he or his dog isn't bit by a snake or a scorpion which could end his aviation spotting days in a hurry or severely curtail them. Utter insanity! Crashing into fences? Yeah, this is nuts. Interesting article, I bet they get weirder "enthusiasts". That's one thing I never thought was wise - incurring trespassing charges or the like. Last thing I ever want to do is hassle someone doing their job or making it harder to do said job because of idiots.
In Reply to: Secret facility sees more probing posted by AsleepModeOn on April 09, 2022 at 8:10:03 PST: