Message posted by 747Pilot (Member since 07/05/2020) on April 03, 2022 at 14:22:08 PST:
Thank you for the detailed response I do plan to have a lot of patience as I'm just happy to be out there for the scenery as much as the jets. Just got to make sure I stock up on snacks and drinks. I do have a couple more questions though. You say that point Juliet is a decent place. How low do the jets get in that area? I plan to stay in Ridgecrest the night before then drive the rest of the way in the morning and think I would prefer to check out the Panamint Valley side of things. Also You said going out without a scanner is almost a waste of time, but why is that? I am fine with just going to one of the spots you mentioned and waiting. I don't know what the cheapest scanner I get is that will pickup military freq.
In Reply to: Re: Pllanning a trip to Panamint Valley posted by J on April 02, 2022 at 11:04:04 PST: