Re: Underground...

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Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) (Member since 10/17/2000) on March 20, 2022 at 11:43:22 PST:

Welcome to the Dreamland Resort discussion forum. You came to the right place to find answers.

My personal opinion, and I certainly invite others to post differing opinions, is that there is no need for extensive underground facilities. Excavating them is expensive and creates a large amount of excavated material that would show on satellite photos. Hangars and scoot-and-hide shelters are much more efficient to keep things out of view.

Also, I have never heard a (real!) former employee at Area 51 talk about underground facilities. I believe these stories in public folklore come from the vast tunnel systems below the NNSS, formerly known as NTS. These tunnels were excavated for underground nuclear test in the 1960's and well into the 1990's. Some tunnels in the NW corner of the NNSS were excavated or improved for other tests fairly recently. But they are far away from Area 51 and not connected to it.

In Reply to: Underground... posted by Art Bell on March 20, 2022 at 11:17:29 PST:


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