Message posted by Allison Wunderland on December 25, 2011 at 9:37:27 PST:
This YouTube video got me looking for these items: I've discovered that I can open Google Earth, open the "push pin" marker function and enter the coordinates here. The coordinates entered into the dialogue box move the push pin to the location. Triangle Marker -- w/ inner circles: 37°38'5.11"N This looks like a bombing target, or maybe a shooting target for guns on planes. Five miles directly So. there is a Gunsight X Retical: 37°33'52.64"N This is up on a plateau. It looks like a bombing target. I can't figure out what the texture is all about -- bomb/ordnance impact areas? Maybe bullet hole impact areas? And then a "Sun Sign" -- which looks like bunkers or ammo dumps in a circle: 37°24'9.11"N This looks for sure like an ammo dump or ordnance storage area. It sure as hell is not some sort of ground area navigation marker for extra-terrestrials. Just immediately to the NNE, 2.25 miles is what looks like landing strips, hangar area, and another X reticle in the ground. There's a dirt road running generally north/south here which connects to what looks It makes all sorts of sense that there would be outlying landing areas and hangars for Top Secret experimental aircraft. Yesterday I found a field full of bomb craters. Evidently this is near US Nuke Bandicoot testing area, some others . . . You can Google US Nuke Bandicoot. 37° 7'13.52"N I need to load up the truck, grab the binoculars, spotting scopes, laptop and come down to have a closer look. I'm wondering how the Cammo-Dudes might react to a black 4WD pickup and a driver in full cammo with an AK-47. (No! I'm not going to get myself arrested. We may be provocative, but we're not crazy.) I like this Dreamland Resort site a great deal! It has me keeping an eye out for extraterrestrials, but really searching for top secret defense testing. How did we ever get along without Google Earth?
like more air strips, hangars, various buildings.
116° 2'43.54"W