Message posted by JoenTX on September 02, 2011 at 22:32:59 PST:
Now, now, now..... I'm not saying you and six other people didn't find something in the sky that caught your eye. It happens all of the time. It's happened to me. You caught an ambiguous glint in the atmosphere. Might be something. Might be nothing. How long did it last? Did it have a direction of travel? If I take that pic as evidence of a high-flying, bright/gloss painted, wing-like aircraft.....why would anyone create such a thing like that if it wasn't meant for the "white" world? Something so observable and more likely to be spotted? There is simply no reason for a large reflectively painted airframe undisclosed to the public to be operating in broad daylight in areas where it "might" be picked up. Who would do that and why when there are so many ways to keep such an item secret? Do Boeing or Airbus have their blended wing test beds operating at height under the nose of the media? No. Those are very public things. Is the U.S. military flouting about large, very observably finished, super secret airframes for grins? No. All I'm saying is that whatever you witnessed and whatever you pictured is not any "secret" airframe of either the military or civil world. That's all. It was not. Take the above.......what else might it have been? Work from there.
In Reply to: Re: White Triangle over Amarillo posted by Steve Douglass on September 02, 2011 at 6:50:25 PST: