Message posted by Matthew Ruch on August 23, 2011 at 18:06:23 PST:
WJ, I respect you as a poster on these boards, we both have been here a long time and have posted much information at many different points in time. As an employee of Delta TechOps and as I am currently looking at the SLA for the Janet Fleet where the customer is listed at "USAF / Boeing", I must respectfully disagree with your assertion. Truth be told as with everything having to do with our favorite undisclosed testing facility, the trail is so winding and complex that there is no way to prove either of us as wrong. Short of providing you with a copy of the SLA itself, which would definitively end up with me losing my very good and much needed job, there is no way to prove anything. What I can provide you with though is a copy of a ship specific SLA for a Navy C40 currently in Atl. These are NOT confidential but will give you an idea of how these are written up on our end. As you can see Boeing is actually listed as the customer and provides us with the manuals and procedures as is customary for work performed under our Part 145 Repair station certificate. I hope this provides you with some insight! Regards, Matt Customer: USN / Boeing Tail#: 165834 W/O#: Summary Information Only – Refer to Visit Binder in the Work Center for Further Details Visit Type: Planned Days: 28 plus 10 Days for the Paint Est. Tag off date: Authority: FAA Mechanic Certificate Required to sign work cards: ETOPS: Yes ETOPS Significant Items List Location: Posted (Delta’s ETOPS Significant Item List) Qualifications: RII List: Delta’s RII List – TOPP 40-30-05 Training: Manuals: GMM: Process Standard Manuals: Paperwork: Note: You are to request non-routine cards to be generated to facilitate and provide sign offs for additional work required by a job task card that is not specifically detailed in the task card. Signature style: Parts: Fully Intergraded / Delta Expendables / Boeing Service Bulletin Kits Approved Servicing Material: Oils / fluids / greases etc. Per AMM Engineering: Tooling: Log Book: Cleaning: Customer Rep: TBD Delta Rep: Randy Hawkins (Holds daily briefing) Other: Aircraft Location: Fuel: International Arrival:
Model# C40A
Line#: 1174
MSN: 32598
Eng Type: CFM56
Job#: 64132
4C / Gear Change / Paint
1 August 2011
ETOPS Awareness CBT
On stand alone computers.
C Coord – In Work Center Binder
As approved by Rep.
Boeing Task Cards and Delta E-Nonroutine Cards
1st Initial, Last Name, Employee Number, Date (6/11/11)
As approved by Rep.
Signed at the end of the visit
As required
ITAR – Fenced with Security Guards
Bay 7 ˝
In Reply to: Re: Janets at Atlanta Hartsfield posted by wheresjanet on August 23, 2011 at 16:30:55 PST: