Message posted by BoomerFrom47 on May 29, 2011 at 20:02:31 PST:
Hi. I flew the F-105G Wild Weasels out of George AFB, CA, in the late 70s. You didn't see them at Nellis, because we flew Red Flag mission out of George all the time. We worked the radars at Tonapah Test Range all the time. Most missions started with refueling over the Grand Canyon, then north at low altitude until getting northeast of Dreamland. We'd turn left toward Tonapah Test Range either at 18,000' looking for radars or at 100' and 600 knots to penetrate deep before climbing to find the radars. A counterclockwise lap around Dreamland would get us to the Tonapah target area followed by a high-speed exit to the west. The catch was that you MUST NOT cross the Dreamland boundry. Two planes from my squadron just barely cut the corner by accident one day at about 100' and Mach 1.1 running away from two F-106's. They immediately received a radio call ordering them to abort the mission and land at Nellis AFB immediately. They then spent two days at Nellis being "debriefed." This was even though there was a mountain between them and Groom Lake, and they saw nothing but the ground they were busy avoiding!
In Reply to: Re: Another Stealth Chopper in the Osama Raid? posted by OldThudMan~!!~ on May 24, 2011 at 8:42:50 PST: