Message posted by Gregos on May 21, 2011 at 11:06:27 PST:
Yes, there are many aircraft crash sites around Area 51. If you went to the one East of Coyote Summit, I assume you mean the one near the geocache "the Phantom Demise". There is not much left of that crash site, except for the engines (the heaviest part of the aircraft). Close to the Phantom Demise is an F-4 crash at "the seeps" right on the side of the road and very easy to find. Google Earth "the seeps" and "Rachel" and you should be able to find it. I'm not going to give you the exact location because people steal artifacts from the sites, some of which are graveyards where men have died. The crash at the seeps has very large chunks of aircraft left. In recent years BLM has required the Air Force clean the crash sites so most plane crash sites now only show minimal debris (1" diameter pieces and less). Another good site is just south of Rachel- Google Earth 37 32906N 4/115 48.223W (that is the restricted border). Look for a dirt road just to the North that goes nowhere. That plane crashed in 1979 and it looks like it just happened yesterday! There is also one crash just to the North of the Rachel dump, but there is hardly anything left there. That should get you started. Have a good trip. Do a little research and you will have no problem finding these wrecks. Email me personally for more info. I just saw Joerg the webmaster and was telling him, Mormon Peak is like an aircraft magnet. That's out by Moapa. Don't go out there by yourself, unless you're a nut case like me! See my trip report "Mormon Radio Facility, August 29, 2009. Take lots of H20 & food and be prepared for a 10 to 20 mile hike out of the desert. If not buy a SPOT emergency locator. $160 bucks can save your life! Small price to pay in the long run! Ok good luck!
In Reply to: Aircraft wreck sites posted by Ken on May 21, 2011 at 9:54:20 PST: