Re: Russia to start a new arms race?

Message posted by Mark Lincoln on April 24, 2011 at 16:06:59 PST:

Everyone in the oil industry knows that the reason we are drilling deep beneath deep waters in the Gulf is because all the easy oil has been tapped. It is understood that the USA cannot drill it's way to independence. Anyone who reads AvLeak knows that both the airforce and navy have intensive programs to develop replacements for petroleum fuels. These 'crash' programs are not being pursued because the services are dominated by tree-hugging environmentalists. They are being pursued because with an almost exponential growth of consumption over recent decades and expected in the future and production peaking as the proving of reserves decline the need for replacement fuels is obvious.

Mythology about untapped resources all across the US kept from us by mysterious forces is tin-foil hat twaddle.

We started drilling first, we drilled hard and fast and we started running out first. America's oil industry is astoundingly good at finding and extracting oil. The cost and technology of deep water drilling are not being experienced for the fun of it.

Despite the black-eye given it by BP our oil industry is actually extremely competent and adept.

Reservoir pressures are dropping throughout the mid-east. Most of the governments there are pursuing nuclear power for electricity and investments to survive in what they know is a rapidly approaching post-oil era.

Pretending the problem is all a vast conspiracy is not going to make it go away.

In Reply to: Re: Russia to start a new arms race? posted by psiuh88 on April 24, 2011 at 12:42:10 PST:


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