Message posted by OldThudMan~!!~ on March 15, 2011 at 10:54:32 PST:
Agreed it is aggravating......And where such posters are coming from is hard to say.....Maybe they didn't get the "transformer" car thingy for Christmas they wanted. There's always going to be some sour grapes person around.....
Watching the news I saw not just the US military delivering aid but other nations as well...And not just military but civilian search and rescue groups ......I even saw a Taiwanese search and rescue group waiting to be assigned...
Google is setting up a special version of it's "People Finder" for Japan..
Australia, Canada, have offered help too.....
The USS Ronald Regan task force should arrive today...
In Reply to: OT: U.S. military relief efforts posted by loopbacktest4echo on March 13, 2011 at 15:44:46 PST: