Message posted by wheresjanet on December 03, 2010 at 22:19:57 PST:
Actually. I'm not sounding like a know it all here. But i'm not sure if i mentioned this before. But the Nevada Test Site runs in my family. Plus this is nothing classified. But the DAF actually has and still does conduct operations with the nuclear stewardship, still maintains nuclear material and other classified projects. The counter terrorism facility is actually located at 36.890239° -116.030830° That facility is run by the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) That is the counter terrorism training facility. That facility recently opened up for business and is all complete with construction.. *unlike the satellite image*. Also on a side note here. The NNSS Nevada National Security Site former Nevada Test Site. They got a new mission. That mission is to use Chemical and Biological weapons for certain projects. Further info on that is actually highly classified. But that is very understandable ;) if you have any other questions ill try to answer them the best i can.. Thank you,
In Reply to: Re: Any idea what this is? posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on December 03, 2010 at 19:15:56 PST: