Message posted by Gregos on January 25, 2010 at 17:13:12 PST:
I took the photo almost due north of the camera from the fence line. The fence started at a 20 foot rock wall at the gate and appears to go all the way past the Range 61 "Wilson Gate." The Camera is about 30 feet plus inside the border so I assumed it was pointed at Bald Mountain. I'm pretty sure I could see Bald Mountain from the top of the hill. 10 degrees to the right is pretty much in the direction of Baldy. But I was all over the trails around the area so now I'm second guessing myself. The solar panel is about 1 foot square attached to the bottom of one of it's legs.
I'm all for lending a hand to document cameras and such. I plan to be up there for the last 3 days of Red Flag, then hang out to explore some more on Saturday and early Sunday. I like to be off HWY 375 before dark on Sunday. HWY 375 at night is no fun at all! Your vehicle + open Range = No love! You might as well drive with your eyes shut! Lol.
BTW, I'm not saying the cammos didn't have me pinged, I just didn't see them. There was a lot of snow after all.
In Reply to: Re: Road Block Canyon posted by keithw on January 25, 2010 at 14:34:54 PST: