Re: Amazing photo by Glenn Campbell from Tikaboo Peak ....HUH?!?!

Message posted by Roadeye on October 15, 2008 at 6:49:59 PST:

Thanks Joe,

And believe me I in no way meant to appear disrespectful in any of my above posts.
You see, I too believe that scepticism is a good thing...for the most part anyway.
But a few years ago, something happened to me that put the whole doubt first ask more in depth questions later mentality into a different kind of perspective for me.
You see, one Saturday afternoon I was stuck in Toronto, Canada on business and was not allowed to return home for the weekend.
So, after spending most of the morning and afternoon in my hotel room, I went across the street to a local deli to pick up a sandwich for supper.
While standing in line a new customer walked into the place and took his place in line directly behind me and struck up a conversation with me about how great a deli this was and that every time he was in Toronto he made a point of dropping in for a sandwich.
Well...that new customer was Kieth Richards of the Rolling Stones.
And there we were standing in a deli together on a Saturday afternoon in Toronto.
Joe...the first thing to come into my mind after saying our see ya laters and picking up our sandwiches came to me as I was crossing the street on the way back to my hotel.
"Shit" I said to myself.
"I may as well have just seen a UFO land here in the street, as try to make people believe that this just happened."
It was a very funny deal...but a humbling one at the same time.
So after that, I usually give anybody telling strange tales a little bit of leeway (just in case) before I start on the path of disproving what it is they maybe talking about.
Who knows...

Strange things never seem to happen when you're prepared for them.

Thanks for you reply
And you're right....I meant no harm or no foul.
I was just making an observation.



In Reply to: Re: Amazing photo by Glenn Campbell from Tikaboo Peak ....HUH?!?! posted by JoeinTX on October 14, 2008 at 20:30:36 PST:


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