Message posted by Andre' M. Dall'au on December 22, 2007 at 5:07:06 PST:
This site has been run by friend Joerg with out-of-pocket funds. The money he does get from the posters and supporters goes for the basic upkeep and maintenance of what we have. I would gladly lead the charge for a better site if I thought it would make us better, smarter, or get people into Rachel more. As it is the sites that are fancier probably spend more time in front of their screens and less hiking, observing and analyzing like Joerg, Hank and others constantly do. I have seen many slick webpages that showcase = well - not very much. I'll support the exisiting DLR and the active members that consistently maintain a professional and accurate oversight of a true national asset. If you want to help - start by dropping a check in the mail for Joerg.
A very Merry Chistmas to all DLR friends, supporters, posters, lurkers and workers at Dreamland. Especially to the guys and girls that strap on their armor every morning and shake the sand out of their boots before climbing into their racks or sleeping bags every night. To those warfighters that keep us safe - God bless you and thanks - we couldn't be here without you.
In Reply to: Forums In Need Of Upgrade? posted by RuBBa_cHiKiN on December 22, 2007 at 1:18:22 PST: