Message posted by Hank on December 13, 2007 at 13:18:20 PST:
As a general observation the traffic at Nellis is usually pretty heavy. Most flights if its Weapons School or Red Flag or just range practice launches and recovers there. The difference in the viewing especially at Red Flags is that if you are in the ranges you will see them in a different environment. They will be practicing their fighter techniques etc. As the ranges cover a vast area you may not see a multitude of aircraft at your specific location. Depending on what the excercise calls for they could be in one of the many locations. If you like to see alot of military aircraft Nellis is the place to be. Good photo ops are in front of the speedway between gates A and B. This about 100yds from touchdown. Some people have reported they have been buzzed by F-16 along 93, and 375. Their are Blackhawk helicopters that patrol the border along Groom Lake Road on a daily basis. I dont think that they buzz the vehicles although I have had them fly over my Blazer a couple of times but I think that I was in their normal flight pattern.
The Thunderbirds practice at Creech (Indian Springs). Their are many viewspots along 95 and its worth the trip. (About 45 minutes from Vegas).
The Nellis airshow is very much worth seeing. Their are some photos posted on the site.
If you have any further questions please post them.
In Reply to: Aircraft Spotting? posted by Roadeye on December 13, 2007 at 12:32:29 PST: