Message posted by Lumpy on November 14, 2007 at 2:14:00 PST:
> ...We are a video production company based in Nebraska... Here's some thoughts on your video. I'm not exactly sure what the slant is you're hoping to achieve. Your graphics have a lot of UFO. You mention people visiting the base "if you're a UFO enthusiast". I suppose you're hoping to appeal to people who think there's aliens being held there or whatever that connection is. You show some footage and stills of various test planes associated with A-51 then at the tail end of that section you show the soldiers wearing heavy goggles who were exposed to the nuclear blasts over at NTS. That kind of smacks of "just stick in an erie photo" and has nothing to do with "visiting A-51". You mention scanner traffic "Listen for the base's code name, R-4808". Obviously that is not the code name for the base. And it's probably not likely that you'd hear that on any air traffic. The biggest oddity I see (hear) is the comb filtering I hear going on with the voiceover. Intentional or a result of pumping compression due to a poorly set ducking side chain I can't tell. The combing gets dramatically worse at about 4:45 then goes back to just odd at about 5:16. Then once again at 7:55 the really horrible combing starts again. That's just a couple of things that stood out as I watched your video. In terms of your reception here, I'd suggest that you examine the history and concept of this site, and it's group of regulars, before crashing in to the china shop. Unlike ATS or some of the other "sensationalist" sites, the sightings, concepts and statements here do not go unchallenged in terms of good, honest research. You burst in, went a little over the line in fluffing your site, ASKED for comments, then got a little defensive about the replies. You would get critically scrutinized whether or not you asked for it, but the fact that you did, then got defensive, suggests to me at least that you're just not quite aware of how the playground ettiquite works. Overall, my suggestion would be to tone down the fluff. Define what it is you're trying to do for people that browse your site. Realize that people that view your site will also have dozens of other sites and youtubes that show exactly the same info, and humble yourself to the concept that you really are not "the most complete internet source for visiting America's most secret military installation". And fix the voiceover audio. Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke
In Reply to: Re: new Area 51 site posted by lloyd.armbrust on November 13, 2007 at 7:28:52 PST: