Message posted by lloyd.armbrust on November 13, 2007 at 20:22:46 PST:
Well, first of all, I have to admit that the first sentence you quoted was horribly written and I apologize. What I meant to say was that the more I read into the Dreamland Resort website, the more links to Joerg's information I will be able to add to our information (as much from this site is more complete than ours). That is, right now we probably only 10-20 links on that link to, but in the future I'd like to add more. Now that we've beat that dead horse, on to your second quote. While I've already covered this in another post, I'll go over it again here: we are not trying to be the most comprehensive Area 51 site. We'd have to live in Nevada to do this properly, and we're based in Nebraska. Our site's goal is to become the most complete internet source for visitors to Area 51. The thing is, you all have an amazing site here, and it is chalk full of information. The problem is that this is clearly an expert's site, and it can be intimidating to some schmuck, like me, who just wants to visit the base and maybe some Cammo dudes. Our site is very simplistic, and offers some interactive features that simply do not exist elsewhere. That being said, if you guys find anything wrong (as many have already pointed out!), then we'd really appreciate correction. Sorry for being to wordy Joerg--I hope this doesn't violate your TOS.
In Reply to: Re: new Area 51 site posted by CoyoteUgly on November 13, 2007 at 18:18:00 PST: