Message posted by Scot Tway on July 08, 2007 at 18:55:10 PST:
Paul, many thanks. You prove again what a community this site has fostered. The donations for the Sat. Photo is another example. It makes me proud that so many folks see this as a way to be curious without being unpatriotic. Being ex-military and also a 'Brat', I will defend this country to the death...but still think it is my right to keep up with how my tax dollars are spent! Because of this site, Joerg's, Hank's, Lonewolf's and countless other contributors, we lucky observers get to maybe keep 'Our' government from being too wasteful or generally out of hand fiscally.....Hell, it don't hurt to TRY!
In Reply to: Re: New Area 51 Panorama posted by Gregos on July 08, 2007 at 17:48:45 PST: